Wicked Villain Wednesday: M.O.D.O.K.



M.O.D.O.K. is the Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing. He first appeared in Tales of Suspense (The comic in which Cap and Iron Man shared the book) as the leader of the scientific terrorist group AIM.


According to Wikipedia he has the following super powers:


“George Tarleton is subjected to a mutagenic process that grants him superhuman intelligence, including a computer-like memory, the ability to scour and retain large databanks of information very quickly and solve abstract mathematical problems nearly instantaneously. He also has the ability to calculate the mathematical probability of any given event occurring; an ability so strong that it borders on precognition. However, his creativity remains at average human level. As MODOK, the character also has psionic powers enabling him to mentally control both individuals and large groups, and generate force fields able to withstand minor nuclear explosions. Courtesy of AIM technology, MODOK wears a headband that enables him to focus his mental power into a devastating beam.

A side effect of the mutation was the growth of Tarleton’s head to the point whereby his body can no longer support the weight, necessitating the use of an exoskeleton and hoverchair. The chair is equipped with a variety of weapons including missiles and lasers. Occasionally, Tarleton had the use of a giant humanoid vehicle that was proportionally sized to his head. Tarleton’s organs also wear out quickly, necessitating the use of harvested clones, whose organs are used to sustain him.[38]

As the leader of A.I.M., MODOK has advanced technology and a personal army at his disposal.”




M.O.D.O.K. has made several animated appearances including roles in both the 90′ Iron Man animated show and the Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes series. He has not made a big screen debut, however, the writers of both of the CAPTAIN AMERICA films have stated that they would really like to put him in their movies. If you find the character utterly ridiculous though, have no worries, they also said that they are not allowed to use him. Apparently his film rights are tied up elsewhere.


So what do you think Cap fans? Could the Marvel Cinematic Universe pull off a decent big screen appearance of M.O.D.O.K.?

